Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Project Baby: 11:33am

Well guys, the phone call came.  And it was not the good news we were all hoping for.


Disappointment doesn't begin to describe it.

We will be OK, we'll survive -- hell, we already did.  I just don't know what's next yet.  Actually, I do know what is next, I just don't know when it is.

If we were ready to jump into Cycle 2 that would start within 1 week; crazy right?  I would call when my period started and schedule my baseline ultrasound, get my prescription for Femara, and we'd be right back in the thick of it within 7 days.


I still don't have a job, and we foot the bill for this 100% out of pocket.  I have bigger fish to fry right now.  This is a luxury we can't afford this month, so we're out for April unless we get a different kind of miracle.

I hope to be back at it in May, and whenever we do pick it up again I'll be right back here to document.  We have so many folks rooting for us that collectively there has to be enough good joo joo and prayers for Heaven to hear us.  Until then, you're welcome to stick around and see what else I might have cooking.  It's rarely dull in our house, and come hell or high water we won't be benched for long.

So put me in, Coach, I'm ready to play.


In a state with no required fertility coverage it takes a village to get it done - if you'd like to donate here's the link: https://www.gofundme.com/projectbabyc

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