Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1/7/14: The Bachelor - Ep 1

Hello! I hope you are all well rested after last night’s episode – all the awkward moments left me exhausted, but excited, for what lies ahead this season!

We had a nice intro into Juan Pablo (who will be referred to as JP from here on out) that shared more of his background and what his current life is like in Miami. He spent 80% of his intro either on the beach or in the shower – so as I suspected ABC was successful in keeping costs down on the wardrobe expenses. After meeting JP’s family we moved on to the ladies.

There is a nurse, an Asst DA, a former NBA dancer (does she have a job now? Why not mention that as your career vs what you used to do? whatevs…), a “mineral coordinator” that was dumped over the phone by her fiancée (who also then cried for half the show), a few teachers, and a girl that fed the camera breakfast choo-choo train style (she casually laughed while she did it but my crazy-meter is still triggering alarms about her).

The limo intros were as dumb as ever – I wish they could just get out of the cars and introduce themselves like normal humans do when they meet. One girl pedaled a piano up the driveway, one girl unsuccessfully tried to do a science experiment, another had a fake baby bump, Lucy Free-Spirit showed up barefoot, and then there is the girl that brought her dog. I wasn’t surprised that it was the lady whose career is “dog lover” – but I was really surprised that the dog stayed the ENTIRE NIGHT. Yes, there was a dog at the rose ceremony. Sooo weird! And Amy J. smeared essential oils all over his suit when she forced him into getting a massage. I hope she picks up the tab for his dry cleaning!

Let’s move on to the roses. Sharleen the opera singer was probably the most normal person ever on the show – but her normalcy was a rude reality check compared to the lunacy found in the rest of the mansion. JP gave her the 1st Impression rose, and when asked if she would accept it she paused for what felt like 10 mins and then said, very deadpan, “Sure. Yeah, sure.” JP seemed happily oblivious to her lackluster response and felt good going into the rose ceremony.

Enter Kylie. I don’t know what she does or where she’s from, but I do know that her skin tone and hair color were the same shade of orange and that she chose to wear a Pepto Bismol pink dress. Bad combination, dear – please don’t do that again. During the rose ceremony she pulled a Zoolander (thought her name was called when it was actually the girl behind her). Her gaffe is captured perfectly on Christine’s face (girl in green) while Kat (in red) is ready to cut a B for coming between her and a rose:

Oh you poor dumb thing. Imagine the tension felt when her name wasn’t called at all and she was sent packing. Oh wait, I don’t have to imagine it -- I got to see it happen!

Best tweet of the night came from Tidy Cats:

Truer words have never been spoken :-)

All in all 9 ladies were sent home last night. That brings our total left to 18 which is a nice place to start your brackets. I encourage you all to participate for the fun of it, even if you don’t care who wins or loses in this game of “love”.

‘Til next week!

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