Monday, March 9, 2015

3/2/15: The Bachelor - Ep 10

Women Tell All is usually my 3rd favorite episode of any Bachelor season -- but for this one, it was easily my top favorite episode so far this year!  It needed to be longer than 2 hours, too BTW.  There was enough to keep the ladies smack-talking right on through the evening news.  It would have been amazing!  Still was, but just imagine what that would have been like?!

Anyway, let's get to the high points:

1. Curses to whomever on production chose these lucite?/glass? saucer chairs in Season 1 because they are still around.  Imagine the butt sweat they get from sitting on these?  I feel for them #pressedham

2. Britt cried.

3.  Jillian was in rage mode and needs to lay off the 'roids.  Fighting for Britt's honor and talking about her hairy butt.  Chill, Norma Rae.

4. Kelsey powders her ears.  And the producers decided to include that in the show -- I love them for that (P.S. - is this a normal step that I should be including in my beauty routine???  Someone break this down for me.)

5.  Britt cried ... again.

6. Production tested some new camera angles while we listed to Kelsey be #blessedwitheloquence

7. Speaking of new angles, Megan seems to be practicing her contouring; did anyone else notice how each face zone color was a little different then the next?  Tutorial on contouring here.  It's very educational (and scary AF!)

8.  Britt was still crying.  Get a grip, woman!  Oh and she left her glittery, self-tanner grub on the back of Chris' suit when they hugged!  GROSS!

9.  Chris Harrison is an author!  This probably was not the tension-filled book launch party he was hoping for.  But, he certainly has a captive audience of faithfuls that will throw him on the NYT Best Seller list in no time.  Good for you!  #capitalizeonyourfame

Ok, that's about it - I highly recommend you watch this episode - worth the 90 mins on DVR :)

See you soon for the FINALE and After The Final Rose -- woo hoo!!!

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