Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2/24/15: The Bachelor - Ep 9

Hello!  We had our regularly-scheduled fix of The Bachelor last night, and once again DVR was a lifesaver.  The final 3 ep is never really one of the highlights of the season, so the Fast Forward feature came in handy to get through the snoozey conversations.

First lady to get her full day of Chris is Kaitlyn:

 They walked around Bali at some of the markets (where Chris was buying kilos of “spices”) and just happened to stumble into some monkeys.  I’m pretty sure this was a forgotten prop from “Planet of the Apes”:

(And I mean the Planet with Charleton Heston, not the weird relaunch from 2011 or 2013)

Chris was wanting to eat a banana but instead got pooped on by a simian:
These outtakes would be good clips for “When Animals Attack” J

Thankfully he changed his shirt before dinner.  Farmer and Miley ate, talked about their feelings, and proceeded to the Fantasy Suite.  There were candles, roses, and the bathtub from “American Beauty”:

There was no shortage of alcohol in their shared room, either.  I counted 3 champagne flutes (who’s the 3rd for??  Mena Suvari maybe; it is her tub, afterall) and no less than 4 drink options:
This is a fun game!  It’s like “Where’s Waldo” for adults.

Date #2 is for Whitney:

Does anyone else think it’s weird that these women hug him like that?  First, he better have a strong core and good footing – and second, why?  I don’t hug my husband like that, I keep my feet firmly planted on the ground and use my arms to embrace him – no need to get the legs involved, that’s just odd.

Anywho, they board the SS Minnow for a 3 hour tour, *ahem* for a tour of the island. 

The captain may or may not have his boating license considering he plowed into the dock while trying to steer them to open water, and then just gave them the thumbs up after.  Thankfully there is champagne on hand to ease the nerves and forget the fact that there might be a hole in the boat and you might drown on this date.  Chris appears to have a bottle of Dom:

Not too shabby – though I’m totally fine with Cooks (or Martini & Rossi Asti if it’s a special occasion)

They swim for 2 seconds, embrace, and then go have dinner.  Fantasy Suite follows and looks like a room downgrade compared to Kaitlyn's room. Nothing too noteworthy here.

3rd and final date is for Becca.  Chris manages to find a farming community in Bali and waxes poetic about the irrigation system the residents created.  If we hadn’t been bombarded with farmer all season this would have been interesting, but at this point it’s just one eye-roll after another.  Could you find something less boring to talk about??  He did, but it was a visit to another love guru in the shape of the local medium.  They asked him stupid questions and he encouraged them to “make whoopy” (thanks, Newlywed Game!) on their overnight date.  Becca was ready to crawl into her skin like a turtle shell at the thought of being affectionate with Chris, so this should be an interesting evening!

They have dinner, and Chris sweats profusely:

HD is not his friend in Bali – can production get him a towel or something to dab off his face?  They go to the Fantasy Suite and Becca finally tells him she’s a virgin.  His reaction had me wondering if I accidentally hit the “mute” button.  He didn’t say anything.  For a good 30 seconds.  He just stared at her, and then said “I have a hard time knowing what to say when someone tells me that.”  Um, maybe – “that’s great” or “good for you, I really respect that”.  Nothing but crickets.  She didn’t seem fazed, so they had a great night chatting like gal pals at a sleepover.

Time for the rose ceremony. 

Chris Harrison takes us to apparently one of the most sacred temples in Bali and then asks Chris to honor the location by abiding by certain etiquette rules.  Um, isn’t that like trying to catch the horse after you’ve opened the gate?  Let’s try to honor a location we’re already exploiting with our reality show about fake love.  Ok, makes sense.

The ladies were organized in height order for the Rejection Ceremony (I’ve decided to rename it, you like?)
My inner OCD appreciates this J

After some hemming and hawing and a private sesh with Becca to make sure he knows what he’s doing, Chris says goodbye to Kaitlyn the Canadian.  They hug, chat, and the she gets in the van to go home.  My advice to her is to have her own Eat Pray Love adventure while she’s there.  She might even meet her own Javier Bardem:


Well folks, that brings us to the last 2 weeks of hte season *tear*.  Next week is the Women Tell All (bring it!) and then we have the Finale.  Home stretch!!

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