Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Project Baby: TWW

Sorry, I forget that not everyone is part of the TTC community sometimes.  TTC stands for "trying to conceive".  There is a lot of lingo and a lot of acronyms you learn when you aren't blessed with "luck" while trying to get pregnant.  TTC, TWW, BD, AF.... LOL

Since you're honorary members of this community by declaration of ... well, me ... I will now teach you the language.  Here are the most common, not in alphabetical order because I am wild like that:

Trying to conceive: trying to get pregnant

Baby dancing: making woopee; sex

Sticky Beans
Fertilized egg that you hope will implant in the uterine lining

Aunt Flo: menstrual cycle; the period.  The bane of a woman's existence while TTC.

Big Fat Negative: negative pregnancy test.  Also an arch enemy while TTC.

Big Fat Positive: positive pregnancy test

Days past ovulation: pretty self-explanatory

Two Week Wait: the time since ovulation or trigger shot before you should take a pregnancy test

And that's where we are right now.  The TWW.  My trigger shot was exactly one week ago today, and exactly one week from today is my pregnancy test at the doctor's office.  It's the shortest-longest wait in history.

This first week went by quickly - there was a lot going on outside of PB to keep my mind occupied.  This next week is the hard part.  I've been here before.  I get cocky after Week One thinking "wow, this is easy - my doctor's appointment will be here in no time".  But, just when I feel confident in my patience and self-control is when my obsessive tendencies kick into high gear.  I'm far enough away from the trigger shot and 'active' phase of the cycle that I feel like something should be happening and that it should be time to start feeling something if it worked.  And I'm far enough away on the other side from the blood test to get impatient and want to "just see" if it all worked this time.

It's especially dangerous for me this round as I have a box of 50 pregnancy test strips just sitting in my bathroom - ready to go.  I don't know why I torture myself like this; it's far too soon to test and either I'll get discouraged or prematurely ecstatic.  It's a Catch 22.

It's too soon to test at home for several reasons.  First is that I'm only 5 DPO (testing your language retention here!) and I have not yet metabolized the trigger shot.  If you remember, the trigger shot is made up of HCG - the same hormone that is measured in pregnancy tests.  I'd get a BFP if I took one right now and that would not even be close to being accurate.  The rule of thumb is 1 day per 1,000 USP units of HCG.  Since my dose was 10,000 USP it will take me 10 days to flush it from my system.

The second reason it would be too early to test at home would apply even if we were doing this the old fashioned, unassisted way.  I'm still only 5 DPO and according to some handy charts I found online a fertilized egg isn't even implanted in my uterus yet -- so no test would pick up on a pregnancy.  Here's an example of said illustration:

I've charted my cycle on here so you can see where I'm at.  Well, let's be honest - I customized this to my cycle so each day I can open this chart and visualize what my body is doing.  I've heard visualization is a good tool; and as I've mentioned before, I am willing to try just about anything in case it works.

So, today was Day 5: early blastocyst.  The next two days are late-stage and implantation would start Friday into Saturday.  Sunday is Day 10.  It is going to take all the will-power I have to not take one of the 50 pregnancy tests sitting in my bathroom.  I don't know if I'll make it; if I don't I will let you know my shame LOL  If I do, I'll let you know my victory!  Until then I will keep marching ahead for the last leg of this TWW hoping for my BFP.


In a state with no required fertility coverage it takes a village to get it done - if you'd like to donate here's the link: https://www.gofundme.com/projectbabyc

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