Monday, March 12, 2018

Project Baby: Case of the Mondays

Ugh.  Daylight Saving Time is for the birds - it was so dark out this morning!  I dragged my tired ass out of bed and arrived to the doctor for my 7:15a appointment ☺

There were a few other patients in the waiting room today, but one couple in particular caught my attention.  They looked like they had been tossed on the loveseat and had been there for days.  The husband had his eyes closed, trying to catch a few winks while waiting for whatever was to happen next.  Made me laugh - I feel ya buddy.

Back to Room #2 - the Green Room.  I like the other light panels better, the ones with more colors.  These are getting a little putrid to look at.

Saddle up.  Today's ultrasound nurse was a no-nonsense worker, in and out with little talk or fanfare.  My lining is still at 6mm, so no better than yesterday (but that's slower to increase and there is still time for it to thicken more while waiting for fertilization to happen).  She only wanted to measure the 2 largest follicles today; my dominant is around a 17mm average diameter now, with the second largest at a 12mm.  I saw the other friends, though - they'll be the backup dancers to this months show.

My results today

I figured some pictures of what I see would be helpful, so went to the world wide web to pull some for reference (since I'm not allowed to record my own visits).  Here are a few to illustrate:

Endometrium - you can see a whitish line through the middle (from side to side), with what appears to be thicker gray bands on either side.  That is the endometrium lining and what the fertilized egg burrows into in the uterus.  (image from:
Follicles - each black dot is a follicle that is working within the ovary and might produce an egg.  The dotted lines usually measure the diameter of each black dot in both directions to provide the average mm size. (image from:

Dominant Follicle - The largest black circle is the dominant follicle - this will be the one that is most likely to produce an egg this cycle; you can see small ones to the left as well.  (image from:

Ok, now that you're all caught up we can get back to me (LOLs).  All done with the ultrasound, so I got dressed and the nurse came in to chat.  Another new (for this cycle) lady, and she was a hoot.  We talked about our plan (more details to come tomorrow on this, we've made some modifications as a couple) and she was totally on-board and supportive that we are in control of what happens.  That said, she wants my dominant to get just a little bigger still.   Trigger shot of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) tomorrow night, timed intercourse book-ending it, and then luteal phase support starts on Friday...with vaginal suppositories.  My favorite.

We're in the thick of it now (no pun intended) and it's go time.  Please, Lord, let this work.


In a state with no required fertility coverage it takes a village to get it done - if you'd like to donate here's the link:

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