Monday, March 6, 2017

3/6/17: The Bachelor - ep 10 pt 1

Tonight was a marathon, not a sprint - and we'll take this recap mile by mile (j/k - it will be our usual pace).

We picked up where last Monday left off, with Raven leaving the Fantasy Suite the morning after.  Given the not at all subtlety of her interviews, and ABCs weirdest victory montage to date, it's sufficient to say she is a happy camper.  This was about it, just with Raven instead of Ross:

Bench Lady 2: "Well somebody got some last night."

Rachel was next, and they had a great time.  She could barely stay upright in her cross-country skis, but they seemed to have a great time.  They are smitten with each other (admittedly, they had an exchange about their mutual feelings) and all seemed to go well.

We dedicate the lion share of the episode to the awk AF date with Vanessa.  They just now start talking about her values and priorities (family time, staying in Canada) and how Nick might just be feeling an international move for love ("I'm a proud American" ok...what the hell does that mean?).

He puts on a good show, and they manage to find enough common ground to go into the overnight portion of the date.  Personal opinion: you should have talked about the international logistics before getting down to the Final Three.  But what do I know?  I met my husband the old-fashioned way - on Myspace.  (true story!)

Nick cried his way through the rose ceremony, forgetting again that he is the dumper not the dumpee.  Raven got a rose, and Vanessa got a rose.  WHAT?!  Ok, I lost my own bet.

I'll say this: Raven is too good, too sweet, too trusting for Nick.  He would destroy her.  I hope he picks Vanessa and they can figure out their logistical nightmare of a relationship off-camera.

Crap.  Ok, see you next week for the finale.  I have to regroup for the Tell All.

Tweet of the Night:

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