Monday, March 6, 2017

3/6/17: The Bachelor - ep 10 part 2

Women Tell All!!  Do y'all love this episode as much as I do?  It's amazing :)

I love seeing who has given themselves a make-over since they got the boot - and there were definitely a few faces I do not recognize on that panel of rejects tonight!

I forgot who Lacey was, and there was some girl in a silver dress that I'm pretty sure snuck on set -- I don't think she was actually ever on the show.  Who is she??

She's right up there between One Night Liz and Josephine Jessica Parker circa Hocus Pocus,... her name is allegedly Elizabeth.  Who?!  Help!

We dragged up the One Night Stand for a little tete-a-tete to figure out just why exactly she came on the show.  What could have been a bizarre rant from Crazy Eyes turned into a self esteem boost for and from the entire bevy of beauties.  All the love they have for Liz was amazing, and is a good reminder of what production editing can do.

Time for Taylor and Corrine to square off again, in what has got to be round 15 of Battle Bots.  Recap of these shrill women yelling at, over, and around each other:

- Taylor acted too good for everyone, said everyone on the reject panel
- Corrine loves champagne
- Josephine has said more in this Tell All then she did the entire time she was actually on the show
- Taylor talking about the negative impact words have had toward her is like the pot calling the kettle black
- Taylor is trying to play the victim but no one in the studio is having that act
- Corrine took a page from Jennifer Garner re: her strategy to win Nick

In the end the Battle Royale turned into #NapGate2017.  Seriously.  They argued for 15 minutes over who took a nap and who didn't, and who called it a nap and who didn't.  Pass the champs, I need to drink this headache away.

Oh my god, there's still 50 minutes left ... ok, highlights from here on out:

- Kristina jumped in the hot seat to make everyone cry all over again
- Nick came out and cried
- Kristina cried again
- Danielle cried
- Dominque asked a question - and I had to question who she was ... #dontrememberher
- Bloopers!!
- Rachel paid us a visit
- Hints of next week's finale ... and all I can is "'bout damn time".  Promises that it will be dramatic, emotional, etc etc

Get your shots lined up, every time someone cries we're taking one!  Call in sick for work next Tuesday now.

See you then :)

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