Ok we pick up where we left off last night and our travels have expanded beyond California. No, we aren't going to Europe or Asia, but we are going to Connecticut! The travel budget keeps getting lower and lower this season. Think they took the Greyhound there?
We arrive in CT in time to see 9 guys crammed in one bathtub cheersing their arrival. I don't get what they're so excited about - maybe geography wasn't their strong suit in school.
Date card arrives!
Dylan gets a one on one. Andi and Dylan rode a train, had dinner on a train, and Dylan made Andi cry with his story of loss. Why is there always someone who is an emotional wreck on the show? I feel like these are people that need to see a therapist before they go on a dating show where the odds are incredibly high that they will lose something again. Their psyches are a little too fragile for a situation like this.
Anyway, next we have a group date with 10 guys including the Cupee Doll, Maude, No Lip, Lithgow, and
Andrew the vampire bat:
The date has the guys playing basketball against some of the premier women players in the country, and then splits them off to battle each other. We have our teams: The 5 of Hearts vs The Rosebuds. I'm loving the sense of humor the producers are continuing to show with the hi-jinx and inside jokes. I think I'd rather be on the former - aw yeah especially because they are the winners! Coach
Brian carried the weight of the Rosebud team to a W and these 5 get to spend extra time with Andi.
Andi's observation of Coach from the sidelines: "He looks
hot." Yes, I agree - he is sweating a lot.
The defeat for the 5 of Hearts is palpable. Maude is crying in a cubby,
Tasos is trying to comfort everyone with how much they tried, and
Josh M. is just pissed. He is cursing and sulks off to the court to relive his heartache.
Dramatic sad face at losing a fake game :( |
Time for drinkies! Andi is wearing a pleather dress with chrome stilettos and bestows a rose to Coach for dazzling her with his half-court shot skills. I guess that's hard to do - but it's not my thing so I'm not very impressed. #don'tcare
Another 1:1 date! This time for
Marcus. He has strange teeth too, so if they end up together they need to invest in the dental+ plan for orthodontics. For their date they scale down the side of the guys' hotel building. Andi is freaking out, and so is Marcus. He tries to help her:
Marcus' advice: "Trust yourself. Andi, trust yourself." Uh, I'm pretty sure the problem isn't her trusting herself, it's trusting that skinny a** rope to hold her up.
Marcus: "If I need to be the man in this relationship and hide my fears I will do that." Um,
if you need to be the man?! If that has to be a conscious choice you are voted off the island, go home. Their conversation down the side of the building is reminiscent of a suicide helper line convo - "Tell me about your mahjong playing grandma. Oh, she golfs too? Swell." They survive and there is a sign of relief. Well at least until they go to the evening portion which involves more random live concerts. Marcus is falling in lurv with Andi, which seems a little premature. Ah well, MOVING ON!
Andi receives a love letter from a secret admirer - which on a show about competing for love doesn't make much sense to stay a secret. But there's no time to dwell on that, it's time to get our drink on at the cocktail party!
Marquel is teaching Andi how to do headlocks,
Tasos is dreaming of planning her wedding and is a great girlfriend checking on her emotional well-being, and then
Eric swoops in out of nowhere and calls her a TV ACTRESS! Whoa - he got real quick. Earlier Andi said she felt like they were stalled in their developing relationship and that he wasn't being real with her; so to turn the tables he comes flying from left field to tell her she's fake. Her reaction:
And now we know when Eric got sent home. Yikes, someone get Tasos a paper bag - he is about to hyperventilate because he can't handle the emotion. I totally think Andi overreacted, but clearly she lost the spark with him and he with her so this was just a fun, crazy way to watch it end.
Oh geez, Chris Harrison is now dedicating the last 10 mins of the show to Eric in lieu of a rose ceremony. Oy, not to sound insensitive but thank goodness this is the last we'll see/hear about Eric -- I can't handle this anymore.
Ok, let's pull it up a little. Chris just dropped knowledge that Tasos was sent home at the rose ceremony, and we have teasers about next episode: mime lessons in Marseille, Cupee Doll puts his angry eyes on, and Vampire Bat cusses out Marquel. So much man drama - and we have to wait 2 weeks for it!!! That's not fair :(
If you're like me you will find solace in watching "Mistresses" -- I missed a lot at the end of last season, so I'm off to find those episodes online. See you soon!