Monday, July 14, 2014

7/14/14: The Bachelorette - Ep 10

We're forced to watch Andi recap her relationships thus far with each of the remaining men, with a commercial break to look at Des in the Suave chair again, and then a promo for "Bachelor in Paradise" featuring Cody the Cupee Doll.  That's who we're supposed to get excited about?!  That's actually a deterrent for watching.

Anywho, let's get going with the overnight dates!  We start with Nick/Lithgow.

Andi: "I love that this is your first helicopter ride."  Well Andi, helicopters aren't that common for a mode of transportation in everyday life, and not everyone can be the Bachelor/ette.  Way to rub it in that he's a normie.

Nick took forever and a day to try to get out a sentence that consists of 3 syllables - and after lots of ums and uhs he still couldn't do it.  That's pretty regular for his speech patterns, he's not really one with the words.  At dinner he says he's quirky - that's a nice way of putting it - and twirled his hair while stumbling over his words some more.  Oh and he shared the creepiest handmade children's book ever - lamesauce!  Oh praise the lord, he finally spits out "I love you."  Andi's reaction was not dissimilar to this:

They head off to the Fantasy Suite and we fade to black (thank goodness).

Moving on we have our date with Josh.  I don't think the producers or Andi have any idea what else to do with him than feature him on the baseball field, as once again they headed to the diamond:

Andi sounds like a broken record still doubting Josh's feelings and if he's the 'type' to break her heart.  I honestly think that's just his delivery and inflection, mixed with his charm and good looks.  She seems reluctant to invite him to the suite but does so anyway.  We then spend a really uncomfortable 10 minutes watching them make out in the pool.  Voyeurism isn't my forte, so pardon me while I close my eyes and wait for it to be over.

Ah, better, time for the Bachelor Farmer Chris.  She drags him horseback riding through the countryside where they see lots of yaks and some farmers harvesting what looked like weeds.  They reminisce about how great his family was, how gobsmacked Andi was that womenfolk have jobs in Iowa !, blah blah blah.  After that we literally got to watch Chris' heart be broken on tv and Andi tell him it's just not going to work.  He's a sweet guy, and I feel bad that he was so invested and seemed to care so much and she just wasn't feeling it. Ouch.  On the lighter side I found a like-minded friend in this Tweeter:

Bwah hahahahaha!

We end with one of the most predictable rose ceremonies ever: Josh and Nick are the last men standing.  So, friends that wraps up our 10th episode & 9th week.  Be sure to tune in next week for the Men Tell All special!  And in two weeks we have our finale with the After special - I can't wait!!

Fun note of product placement for my employer:  Target Threshold brand hurricanes and vases!

Shop your local Target or to find 3 sizes of the hurricane and several sizes/shapes of the blue vase :)

*I received no compensation to mention these products, it has become second nature to watch for Target items in shows and movies...I can't help it!

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