Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1/26/16: The Bachelor - ep 4

Happy Tuesday!  Dear friends I apologize for the lack of update last week, I was dealing with some health crap that had me out of comish for the early part of the week.  However, while laid up I OF COURSE watched last week’s episode – it’s nice to see that Lace had a brief moment of self-awareness and left with a little bit of dignity.  I don’t remember who else departed, but I think it was Russian Roulette Shushanna and Canadian Jami.  Doesn’t matter, really.  Let’s get to this week.


We are greeted with OG bright and early to tell us the Bachelor has defected and made a run for it while he can.  Half kidding, he’s still on the show but he did head out to Sin City; the bevy of beauties join him via PJ.  So posh!


1:1 Date numero uno

Ben takes JoJo out on the rooftop of their hotel to have her practically get blown away by the incoming helicopter.  Not sure how the producers didn’t know to anchor the table and breakables – this isn’t their first heli rodeo.  Bygones, they make out a little while the rest of the gals watch from the hotel room and then climb aboard.  I don’t really know what they did on their ride as we cut away to the next date card.  We then rejoined B & J as they sit down to a relaxing convo via candlelight.  Word of the day: moments.  They had lots of them, talked about lots of them.  It should have been a drinking game.  Maybe their lackluster dialog was due to the fact that Ben was more interested in trying to free JoJo’s left wrist from shackles (thanks Kylie) of the infamous Cartier “Love” bracelet.  She threw some major side-eye at him while he fiddled with it – hilarious!  Get your own accessories, Benji.  Firework show above the skyline, rose delivered.


Group Date

Ben drags the rest of them (minus Becca) to some muppet ventriloquist show on the Strip.  Here they are told they are going to be the opening act that evening, so pick the worst costume you can off the rack and try to find some talent in the next 2 hours!  Olivia was unsuccessful and did the worst cake surprise/showgirl dance anyone has ever seen.  Train wreck – and cue the meltdown.  She basically had turets the rest of the date while in full on panic mode that this would send her home.  Ben seemed to be losing patience with her newfound insecurity – but maybe he was just afraid of drowning in massive tears from her giant eyeballs.  Some brown haired girl got the rose (I think).


1:1 Date #2

Becca gets a special delivery of a wedding dress, gets picked up by Elvis in a pink Cadillac, and joins Ben at the Little White Chapel.  He proposes they unite to join others in holy matrimony – surprise!  He got ordained!  I’d rather have Joey be my ministainer then be married by these giggling goons, but that’s personal taste I guess.  They squee and have a great time.  Rose delivered.


Just as we think we’re going to head to the cocktail party we get a curve ball when Harrison comes in and says Ben has requested a special Two-on-One date with the twins!  Emily/Haley looked like she shit her pants, but they quickly pull themselves together and head out.  Lest we forget, the Twins are from Las Vegas so it didn’t come as any surprise that Ben brought them back home to mom’s house so he could meet her and try to decide between the two.  We were greeted with about 10 dacshunds, PUPPIES!!!  Sorry, but my allegiance is almost always with the animals who make rare appearances on the franchise than with any human involved (OG excluded – mrowr!)  Ben tours each sister’s room, and visits with mom.  Emily threw Haley under the bus regarding how many feels they each have for Ben, and that power move paid off.  We bid adieu to Haley and rejoin the rest of the cast for the cocktail party.


Rose Ceremony

Olivia is persona non grata with the remaining ladies due to her incessant need for Ben’s attention and affirmation, and how pushy she is every time to get it, but the girls Teflon.  I had to FF through most of the chattering because I hate the sound of all the kissing and the fact that it slowly kills my brain cells.  The gist: Jubilee is still alienating herself from the group (bipolar maybe?), Caila never stops smiling (even when frowning or throwing shade), and Amanda is still talking in a baby voice.  In the end we said goodbye to Rachel and her over groomed eyebrows (but that dress was fierce!) and Amber.  Thank goodness – if I had to listen to Amber and her insecurities one more time I was going to barf. 


Next week we’re going to Mexico!  Jubilee gets into a heated moment with Ben that I’m very much looking forward to, and I can’t wait to see how long Emily (the last standing Twin) lasts. 

See you then!

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